Ch 9 Surfaces and Effects

transmitted light = stained glass window effect, when light travels through thin semitransparent materil it becomes richly colored (high chroma)
also works with leaves

subsurface scattering, light hits the translucent material and spreds out under the surface
shows up most viviantly wehh you have small forms translucent flesh and backlighting
Light/sand pouring out of hands

color zones of the face (of light skinned) forehead light golden forehead to nose is reddish and nose to chin is bluish greenish greyish, most pronounced in men
     middle of face has capillaries carrying blood, lower face is bluish due to stuble and deoxygynated blood or to emphasize red of lips
Bouguereau Paintings-Avant le bain [Before the Bath], 1900

to control hair make masses simple soften edges and control highlights
visualsundae • Mark Demsteader | fine art

caustics: field of optics light from refraction from water
highlights arent usually white,but color of souce and local color of the object
Related image

color corona, bright colored light
stepstepby:    Turner - delicatuscii

photography clips lights and darks, colors change etc
Image result for photography lights and darks range


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