Ch 8 Visual Perception

most people are trichromats (have three color cones), they can see red-green yellow-blue and light-dark combinations and distinctions
tonal stream and color streams are as different as hearing from vision; the tonal is the where (depth) and the color stream is the what in the way our brain processes information

moonlight isnt really blue, its reddish but visual system tricks us into blue because of dim light
(redder very slightly than sunlight)
#artistdaily #supermoon #paintings #landscape #nocturne #painting #watch #night #for #the #atWatch for the Supermoon - Nocturne Paintings - Landscape Painting at Night -- ArtistDaily

Purkinje Shift
rods which are colorblind are most sensitive to green waves of light, makes us think moonlight is blue
the cones closest to the rods are blue and might be rousing the cones, called the Khan/Pattaniak Hypothesis
to paint nocturnes, we must remember the color effect and paint it in full in color lit studio

pictures where subject is crisp and everything else is blurred is because camera is only seeing one plane, to mimic this effect do the same in paintings
Cougar cubs

color constancy (thinking in terms of local colors without color and environmental factors of observation)
Image result for color constancy

successive contrast: looking at one color changes the next color we see

Image result for successive contrast


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