Ch 10 Atmospheric Effects

Sky blue: rayleigh scattering is why the sky is blue, red and orange wavelengths are not reflected like the blue ones
near the sun clouds hce dark centers and light edges , the color of sky is duller (wamrer mixes with blue) Image result for clouds near the sun
looking away from the sun, sky is bluer and more vibrant towards violet
Cloud cover | Oct 22, 2011 in Cambridge, MA | Richard Howe | Flickr
near the horizon blue sky is lighter (looking through more atmosphere)
atmospheric perspective, things in foreground if far enough in the distnce can change to match the color of the sky The Visual Tools You Need to Create Atmospheric Perspective - OutdoorPainter

white doesnt act s dark objects, gets warmer (ie sunsets)
Image result for taj mahal
reverse tmospheric perspective happens in areas like sunsets, everything gets warmer going backwards

Image result for sunset

because this is uncommon it cn be used to create feeling of strangeness or excitement

Snow and clouds are different, snow is much denser and picks up reflected light
Josh Claire
Water is reflective at an angle and less so when looked at the surface straight on

Wats filters out certain wave lengths first red then orange yellow leaving blue cast and at really deep only violet and ultraviolet remain
Image result for deep underwater photography


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