Ch 2 Sources of Light, Graphic LA - pgs 96-143

direct sunlight; light comes from sun and subordinate to that, blue sky and light from other obects Image result for claude monet sunny
over cast day: colors are brighter and purer; makes good paintings of complicated scenes Image result for overcast day plein aire

window light provides bluish cast and has soft constant light
Image result for vermeer

photographs often change the barely lit surface lights of candles to distinct blacks
Image result for candle lit art history
Image result for candle lit photo

different types of light bulb allow for different light spectrums, incandescent are stronger in orange and reds and weak in blues and greens, flourescents emphasize yellow and greens
Image result for incandescent light vs fluorescent light

luminscent colors graduate from one hue to another
Image result for breath of the wild luminescent mushrooms

hidden light sources create mystery and intrigue

Graphic LA - pgs  96-143
a thought on these two books: I'm amazed at how both these prolific artists draw EVERYTHING, they have studies from every day life, not just grand things, you can feel their passsion for drawing because you can tell they are doing it constantly from the wide range of subject matters they portray

black and white truths
30-70 ration (mostly dark or light)

bold shapes
last stage is in the details but mainly big shapes are important

3 main shapes
3 main values
3 main levels

find biggest clearest combination of shape and value

a curious mind makes better choices than one that is stressed or tense(:


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